Week 9

This week I finalized all animations for Alien Faction buildings into their respective spritesheets and .xmls. I also redesigned some buttons for the use with the Alien Faction and began designing an icon/logo as well as some other miscellaneous ideas.

General Art Post / Week 7

Here’s what I have been working on this past half of a semester. Also this week was my final UI design, although we have decided to go in a direction similar to my original design. I also generated and finalized an asset for the Alien nuke silo, edited the chromium drill, and began work on the radiation tower. UI_ControlPanel_ConceptGalaxySun  BG_Planet_1Background_Blue Background_Green Background_Red  Asteroids_NearSputnik_1 UFO_1 Alien_Chr_Tower_01  Alien_Silo_01Alien_Rad_Tower_Active

Here are some sketches for potential alien characters as well:
